How it works
The Medical Adhesive bandage locks in the body's natural fluids and enzymes, which would otherwise be lost to evaporation or scabs.
These fluids keep cells hydrated and more effectively break down and remove dead tissue,
so growth of new cells is stimulated and pain is significantly reduced.
The Bandage provides a barrier against dirt, bacteria, and friction, while at the same time being completely breathable - inviting oxygen to the skin and eliminating bacteria growth.
Studies show that wounds kept hydrated can heal twice as fast as dry wounds.
These fluids keep cells hydrated and more effectively break down and remove dead tissue,
so growth of new cells is stimulated and pain is significantly reduced.
The Bandage provides a barrier against dirt, bacteria, and friction, while at the same time being completely breathable - inviting oxygen to the skin and eliminating bacteria growth.
Studies show that wounds kept hydrated can heal twice as fast as dry wounds.
Day 1
Your artist has applied the medical adhesive bandage to your fresh tattoo. This bandage should stay on for 5-6 days.
It is normal for blood, plasma, and ink to pool and collect under the bandage. It may look like a muddy mess but it will not affect your tattoo negatively. The plasma will get reabsorbed, aid in the healing of your new tattoo, and help it heal faster. The ink will be left on the surface and will wash off once your remove the bandage.
If the seal of the bandage gets compromised, such as peeling back and exposing any part of the tattoo or if fluid is escaping from the bandage, or water gets inside from showering then you must remove the bandage immediately, wash your tattoo and continue with standard tattoo aftercare.
After 5-6 and you remove your bandage. Wash your tattoo very well with Dr. Bronners Castiel Soap. Make sure all the plasma, ink residue and soap is rinsed away thoroughly.
Pat your tattoo and the surrounding area and dry with clean paper towels.
There may be some areas that are still healing. If you have some of these areas wash your tattoo 3 times a day and apply an uncented lotion, such as Aveeno or Lubrider, until it is fully healed.
Moisturize your tattoo twice daily for 8 weeks following removal of the bandage.
While your tattoo is healing:
Avoid any activities that will cause you to sweat excessively, sweat can compromise your bandage and will create a breeding ground for bacteria.
Avoid public gyms and recreation areas where you can get exposed to bacteria, dust and dirt.
Avoid any animal contact to the tattooed area. If a puncture occurs due to an animal remove the bandage immediately wash your tattoo with anti-bacterial soap and follow standard aftercare procedures.
The bandage is waterproof and showering is no problem while wearing it, however, the heat from the shower and pressure of the water from the shower head can compromise the bandage.
We recommend turning the heat down a little, keeping the bandaged area away from direct water pressure, and keeping showers to 10-15min in length.
If any of the edges peel back you may trim them with scissors, as long as there is still a good seal around the tattooed area then you may leave the bandage on.
Localized irritation or redness may occur around the edges of the bandage, especially is areas that have a lot oof movement. This happens from the bandage pulling on the skin as it is not quite as stretchy as our skin in. If this happens you may peel back the bandage at the affected area to relieve the tension and trim off the excess. Your artist will always leave enough of a border around the tattoo to be able to do this.
It is normal for blood, plasma, and ink to pool and collect under the bandage. It may look like a muddy mess but it will not affect your tattoo negatively. The plasma will get reabsorbed, aid in the healing of your new tattoo, and help it heal faster. The ink will be left on the surface and will wash off once your remove the bandage.
If the seal of the bandage gets compromised, such as peeling back and exposing any part of the tattoo or if fluid is escaping from the bandage, or water gets inside from showering then you must remove the bandage immediately, wash your tattoo and continue with standard tattoo aftercare.
After 5-6 and you remove your bandage. Wash your tattoo very well with Dr. Bronners Castiel Soap. Make sure all the plasma, ink residue and soap is rinsed away thoroughly.
Pat your tattoo and the surrounding area and dry with clean paper towels.
There may be some areas that are still healing. If you have some of these areas wash your tattoo 3 times a day and apply an uncented lotion, such as Aveeno or Lubrider, until it is fully healed.
Moisturize your tattoo twice daily for 8 weeks following removal of the bandage.
While your tattoo is healing:
Avoid any activities that will cause you to sweat excessively, sweat can compromise your bandage and will create a breeding ground for bacteria.
Avoid public gyms and recreation areas where you can get exposed to bacteria, dust and dirt.
Avoid any animal contact to the tattooed area. If a puncture occurs due to an animal remove the bandage immediately wash your tattoo with anti-bacterial soap and follow standard aftercare procedures.
The bandage is waterproof and showering is no problem while wearing it, however, the heat from the shower and pressure of the water from the shower head can compromise the bandage.
We recommend turning the heat down a little, keeping the bandaged area away from direct water pressure, and keeping showers to 10-15min in length.
If any of the edges peel back you may trim them with scissors, as long as there is still a good seal around the tattooed area then you may leave the bandage on.
Localized irritation or redness may occur around the edges of the bandage, especially is areas that have a lot oof movement. This happens from the bandage pulling on the skin as it is not quite as stretchy as our skin in. If this happens you may peel back the bandage at the affected area to relieve the tension and trim off the excess. Your artist will always leave enough of a border around the tattoo to be able to do this.
How to remove Adhesive bandage
Take a long hot shower allowing the bandage to warm up, the heat will help loosen the adhesive and get it ready for removal. You may remove the bandage while in the shower if feasible. Gently pull and stretch the bandage away from itself, avoid pulling it back over itself if possible (similar to removing a command strip). As the bandage stretches it will lift off of your skin easier than pulling it back over itself and cause less irritation to your skin. Go nice and slow this should take a little while to remove. It ok to let water and soap flow into the bandage as you remove it.
When you are done with the bandages,
moisturize your tattoo with a natural moisturizer twice a day for at least 8 weeks.
Applying it yourself
After washing your tattoo and patting dry thoroughly, it is time to apply your second bandage.
First clean the tattoo and surrounding area (anywhere that is going to be underneath the bandage) thoroughly with alcohol. It will burn but won't last too long and this step is essential to make sure the skin is clean and free of any oils so the bandage can adhere properly and so no bacteria gets trapped inside of it.
When measuring your bandage, make sure to leave at least a 2 inch perimeter of bandage around the tattooed area.
Peel off the paper backing to expose the adhesive side.
Apply the bandage using light pressure while the skin is in a neutral position.
Remove the plastic backing making sure to press down the bandage thoroughly around all edges.
This bandage may be worn for 5-6 days as long as the integrity stays intact. If bandage is compromised then simply remove it, wash and pat dry. You may either apply another bandage for a few more days or continue with standard Tattoo Aftercare.
First clean the tattoo and surrounding area (anywhere that is going to be underneath the bandage) thoroughly with alcohol. It will burn but won't last too long and this step is essential to make sure the skin is clean and free of any oils so the bandage can adhere properly and so no bacteria gets trapped inside of it.
When measuring your bandage, make sure to leave at least a 2 inch perimeter of bandage around the tattooed area.
Peel off the paper backing to expose the adhesive side.
Apply the bandage using light pressure while the skin is in a neutral position.
Remove the plastic backing making sure to press down the bandage thoroughly around all edges.
This bandage may be worn for 5-6 days as long as the integrity stays intact. If bandage is compromised then simply remove it, wash and pat dry. You may either apply another bandage for a few more days or continue with standard Tattoo Aftercare.
WARNINGS: Adhesive bandages contain adhesives and may cause allergic reactions in people who have adhesive allergies. If allergic reaction or any irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you
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